The Life Holist points out the secrets of universal energy, healing, balance, curative supplementation, meditation, hypnosis and other time tested methods of healing successfully practiced for over 40 years! Don't miss the opportunity to learn first hand a variety of natural methods with the scientific studies and results that support the treatments! The first reason why our courses are better for the student!

Second reason our courses are better for the student. The online courses and almost all in-person courses almost never offer Clinicals. We do! Each of our courses comes with at least 15 hours of hands on clinicals so the student gains valuable experience not only to know the methods work but also so we point the way to success! For success to occur, there has to be intention, affirmation and determination. Same with courses, affirmation that what you learn works and how to apply it is needed! If you've never see the methods in practice nor allowed to do them, how could you know how to apply them yourself or feel comfortable with natural healing, hypnosis, relieving anxiety, gaining success, personal & organizational growth and more?

So even if you have taken a non hands on course before and it resulted in your not understanding how to have success, don't miss this limited opportunity! Did we mention that we were hiring too? Reason #3!


Many Learning Opportunities for Several New Careers! Many more reasons!

Open to ALL Age Groups!

Many High Paying First Time Careers with short term to certification, as therapists, practitioners, clinicians, masseuses, providers, associates, body rub enthusiasts, brand reps & models and various talent!

Flexible Hours - Class schedules that are mostly at your pace.

Clinicals included so you gain valuable knowledge & experience for career!

State of the Art Equipment to learn on for our clinicals!

Courses compliments any educational or professional background!

In House Career Placement - Once students complete our course they don't worry about jobs since we place almost all of our graduates! Immediately! Some get their own job or start their own business!

Collaborative Culture - Life Holist promotes a collaborative study culture.

Retreat Like Work Environments - Nice break rooms with full kitchens. Unique relaxing environments!

Continuing Education Available - Weekly Courses to keep you up to date or ahead of the pack and increase what you can do to increase what you make!

Work Study Program - for newbies, to reduce or eliminate cost of learning one or more of our trades!

We are interested in YOU! Schedule an appointment and discuss your interests today near the bottom under Contact Us! We’re always interested in tailoring course objectives to individual interests! hiring therapists, practitioners, clinicians, masseuses, providers, body rub enthusiasts, brand reps & models and talent with the rapport to keep Life Holist members coming back for a healthful revitalizing experience that elevates their life!

Join the Life Holist Team & ELEVATE : YOUR LIFE!®

Collaborative Culture

Quality -Not Quantity


TRUE REIKI LEVEL I: What makes this course TRUE? Clinicals! Clinicals insure students have the opportunity to put into practice what they've learn so they can truly have success! How can you really learn to be successful from an online course where there is no hands on or from someone who does not take the time to show you what to do even though their class is in person? Nurses, doctors & other health care professionals have clinicals so they learn to do the job from people doing the job so that when they complete their course work, they are ready to work! You will be ready too!

Prerequisite: Interests in healing or already involved in healing work or current caregiver!

Reiki Level 1 is a fantastic resource for anyone who is interested in, or is already involved in health care, healing work or caregiving. And it's the fastest way to get into the industry! Once you complete the Reiki level 1 course, you will understand how to channel the Reiki energy when ever needed! Reiki is a wonderful complimentary tool for anyone who works with health care: caring for people, medical professionals, educators, business professionals, health and fitness professionals, mental health providers, birth workers and similar!

Reiki Level I is designed for personal healing, healing your loved ones, pets and special objects. Reiki can be translated as Universal Lifeforce Energy that has always existed and has always been available! It is balancing and harmonizing energy medicine that heals on all levels: The physical, emotional, mental & spiritual!

Reiki Level 1 course you also learn:

Reiki History & Principles

Treatment protocols for treating yourself and others!

Introduction to the chakra system.

The foundations of Reiki healing

You will receive: Level One Reiki attunements - Attunements will be with you for life.

Level One Reiki Hands on clinicals where you learn how to give and receive Reiki healing energy.

Completion of this workshop meets diploma requirements for Reiki Level 1 Certification!


The class is a combination of lecture, discussion and experience!

Part 1: Personal Study-Reiki history and principles video lecture about 90 minutes long. This material is a mandatory prerequisite to in-person training.

Part 2: In-Person TRUE REIKI Level I Lecture Review Discussion ~ 60 min, Clinicals Prep Discussion 30 min

Part 3: In-Person Clinicals (15 hours) Reiki Business Skills Training, Clinical time includes giving & receiving complete Reiki treatments plus self-treatment!

HEALTH CARE CAREER INVESTMENT - $250 Learn at your own pace! Discuss the Work Study Program! Available for pre-approved students!


TRUE REIKI LEVEL II - What makes this course TRUE? Clinicals! Clinicals assure our students have the opportunity to put into practice what they learn so they can truly have success! How can you really learn to be successful from an online course where there is no hands on or from someone who does not take the time to show you what to do even though their class is in person? Nurses, doctors & other health care professionals have clinicals so they learn to do the job from people doing the job so that when they complete their course work, they are ready to work!

Prerequisite: REIKI I & minimum of 2 months practicing


Part 1: Self Study-Reiki history and principles video lecture about 90 minutes long. This material is a mandatory prerequisite to in-person training. Part 2: In-Person training | Lectures & Review: Reiki Level II ~ 30 min, Holistic Healing ~ 30 min, Hypnosis 30 min Part 3: In-Person Administration & Clinicals - hands on training

In this Reiki Level 2 training you will learn:

Introduction to Reiki symbols & mantras

Practice drawing and painting the sacred symbols

Learn how to practice long distance (hands off) healing

Learn healing beyond time: working with the past, present and future

You will receive:

Level 2 Reiki attunements (these attunements will be with you for life)

Receive Reiki level 2 symbols & mantras

Practice giving and receiving long-distance Reiki

Access to FREE continuing education & community

Reiki healing event Invitations!

Diploma for certification REIKI I & II

The class is a combination of lecture, discussion and experience. Administration and time includes giving and receiving a complete Reiki treatment using all the hand positions, the self-treatment, practice using all the level II symbols including distant healing, and practice using all the Japanese Reiki Techniques mentioned above.

Dive deeper into your study of Reiki learning Level 2 Reiki symbols and mantras! This level of training provides you with the tools to use Reiki healing for treating long-distance as well as sending Reiki through time and space. The Reiki level 2 symbols and mantras support people in breaking free from patterns of addiction, cultivate stronger boundaries, work on healing relationships and ancestral trauma. Reiki level 2 training is a fantastic tool for anyone who is interested in, or is already involved in healing work. Once you receive the Reiki level 2 attunement, the Reiki energy will be forever flowing with and through you!

What to expect during a Level 2 Attunement:

The Level 2 attunement is typically given in one single attunement, with a focus on opening up the heart chakra, the midpoint between the physical and spiritual chakras. Students have their eyes closed for this attunement so they can look within and fully feel into the process' effect on the heart. It is recommended to take at least six months to one year between your Level 2 and master training, to allow the lessons you just learned to really sink in.

HEALTH CARE CAREER INVESTMENT - $250 Learn at your own pace! Discuss the Work Study Program! Available for pre-approved students!



Prerequisite REIKI Level II and 20+ Level II sessions including several observed attunements, full time commitment to Reiki for six to 18 months.

Certification focuses on techniques required to overcome more challenging cases. In addition to becoming familiar with various aspects of acquiring and utilizing crystals and gemstones for enhanced healing and manifestation. Topics covered include: Reiki level III empowerment or attunement, additional power symbol properties and applications, healing meditation using power symbols, crystals for Reiki treatments, Reiki crystal grid for healing / energizing / cleansing / manifestation, creating and using affirmations, and aura surgery techniques. Upon successful completion of this course, a diploma for certificate for Reiki Third Degree Practitioner is issued!

You will receive: Level III Reiki attunements - Attunements will be with you for life. Level III Reiki Hands on clinicals where you learn how to give and receive higher Reiki healing energy! Completion of this workshop meets diploma requirements for Reiki Level III Certification!


The class is a combination of lecture, discussion and experience!

Part 1: Personal Study-Reiki history and principles video lecture about 90 minutes long. This material is a mandatory prerequisite to in-person training.

Part 2: In-Person TRUE REIKI Level III Lecture Review Discussion ~ 60 min, Clinicals Prep Discussion 30 min

Part 3: In-Person Clinicals (15 hours) Reiki Business Skills Training, Clinical time!

Diploma for certification for REIKI III Master!

REIKI TRAINING IV – MASTER TEACHER Level IV (Master Teacher) of Reiki certification is for practitioners who want to increase their knowledge and skills to the highest Reiki level and to qualify to teach Reiki workshops and certify Reiki practitioners at all Levels! To register for this course, students must have already passed certifications for levels 1-3 with at least 20 clinical sessions for each level. Topics covered include: Reiki level IV (master) empowerment or attunement, review of levels I-III, practicing additional symbols, learning and performing Reiki attunements for various levels, sending distant attunements, practicing self-attunement to promote healing and clarity, Reiki healing attunement, Reiki master meditation activating the microcosmic orbit, performing Reiki breath, and tips on teaching Reiki training workshops. Upon successful completion of this course, a diploma for certificate for Reiki Master Teacher is issued!

The Reiki Master/Teacher may promote their own Reiki sessions and workshops!

Advance Chakra system utilization. The foundations of Reiki healing. You will receive: Level IV Reiki attunements - Attunements will be with you for life.

Level IV Reiki Hands on clinicals where you learn how to give and receive Reiki healing energy.

Completion of this workshop meets diploma requirements for Reiki Level IV Certification!


The class is a combination of lecture, discussion and experience!

Part 1: Personal Study-Reiki principles video lecture about 90 minutes long. This material is a mandatory prerequisite to in-person training.

Part 2: In-Person TRUE REIKI Level IV Lecture Review Discussion ~ 60 min, Clinicals Prep Discussion 30 min

Part 3: In-Person Clinicals (15 hours) Reiki IV Business Skills Training, Clinical time includes giving & receiving complete Reiki treatments!

Reiki Level 3: The Third Degree (Shinpiden) & Reiki Master courses, the Third Degree and Reiki Master are the same designation. The Reiki Master Level is traditionally considered the teacher/instructor level, and masters are able to walk away and attune new Reiki practitioners. Receive the master attunement, along with the corresponding symbol. Becoming a reiki master also represents a deep commitment to the Reiki practice therefore significant time should pass between achieving the Second Degree status and Master Level. This Reiki levels students demonstrate a general organization of the progression of Reiki mastership.

HEALTH CARE CAREER INVESTMENT - $500 Learn at your own pace!


Ever wonder how Buddhist monks and nuns achieve that seemingly unflappable peace of mind? The truth is, they had to start from scratch – just like everybody else. As you work your way from distracted beginner to seasoned meditator, you’ll go through different stages too, even though you’ll need to leave the linear notion of progress behind.

The focus is on the essential parts of the journey, rather than the goal.

Goal orientation is important when you’ve got a project, but it’s an obstacle for meditation. When you have a goal, you are here and the goal is there. But the objective of mindfulness is to be present with your mind in the here and now. In reality, you’re already here, it’s always now, and you can’t escape your mind – think about it! When you sit, you’re simply resting in the present moment: nothing to attain, nowhere to go.

Let’s explore some important points of meditation that can help you chart your path. And remember, rather than focusing on stages of meditation, as Mahatma Gandhi put it, the path is the goal.

Meditation: 5 Essential Points

1. awareness of the present moment - When we first start meditating, we’re learning to work with distractions. These can be perceived as external – sounds or smells, for example – or internal – sensations, thoughts, and emotions. We should have the firm intention to let go of distractions before we begin, preferably for a set period of time – say five or ten minutes. This kind of focus is essential. Without this intention, chances are the distractions will pull us away from our meditation before we even know it. We also strive to free ourselves of any judgments, perceptions, or concerns that might divert our attention from the present moment. Some meditators find it helpful to think of themselves as an empty vessel with no history and no memory of the past. Beginner’s mind is a mind that is open to whatever occurs, and not stuck in any habitual pattern or rut. Rather than spend our precious practice minutes mulling over the past or inventing an improbable future, we relax and let go of those thoughts and worries we’ve been carrying around. Being present is so rich and enjoyable! Our old habit is distraction, so gaining a new awareness of the here and now takes some practice, but it’s definitely worth the effort.

2. subduing the negative mindDo you have a critical inner voice that talks to you about all sorts of issues? Maybe it pipes up from time to time, persuasively expressing your emotional storylines and internal chatter. It can be quite destructive if it suggests that something’s very wrong with your life, your relationships, and who you are. Even if you recognize that the “negative inner voice” is a source of suffering and discontent, it isn’t easy to know how to get a handle on it.

Developing present-moment awareness is an effective way to work with this critical inner voice. One of the essential thrusts of meditation is to be aware of whatever arises in the mindstream and to learn to let go, moment by moment, whether the mental activity is alluring or objectionable. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed by what feels like a continuous stream of thoughts. In one technique that helps us let go, we focus on noticing the gap between two successive thoughts. Attending mindfully to this silent pause, however minute, fosters awareness. If we practice with diligence and purpose, over time our inner narrative will naturally ease up and we can let go of the negative inner chit-chat, one gap at a time.

3. mindfulness of the meditation object A key aspect of meditation is to learn to settle your mindful awareness on one single thing. This might be your breath, the flame of a candle, a repeated word (chant or mantra), physical sensations, or other focal points. The breath is the most common and widely practiced object of meditation. By concentrating on one thing, it’s easier to let go of distractions and embrace the present moment. It’s comfortable for your mind to have an anchor such as the breath to come back to. Read more about mindfulness of breathing here. Positive experiences that can accompany this balance of letting go and paying attention include feelings of happiness, peace, and calmness. By focusing on a meditation object, your mind can filter out the jumpy distractions that give rise to anxiety and stress and rediscover its natural spaciousness.

4. dawning awareness Meditation can be a portal to true personal transformation. The many benefits of simply sitting and practicing with the breath have been well-documented, but there’s another technique can take us even further: awareness practice. As we meditate, we become more familiar with our mental patterns and psychological makeup. We begin to notice all of the spaces, or gaps, between the in-breath and out-breath, between one thought and the next, between one mood and another. Awareness of the gaps puts us in sync with impermanence and change, and we realize that we can actually let go of old views and obsolete habits. We can actually transform the way we think and act. We can afford to be genuine and honest about looking at ourselves, our perception of the world, and, most importantly, our impact on others. This dawning of awareness brings joy and a powerful motivation to continue practicing. Read more about the benefits of mindfulness and awareness meditation here.

5. unwavering commitment When you’ve been practicing meditation for some time, you naturally discover a potential for awareness that you hadn’t known was there. Your mind now settles itself with little effort; distractions have lost much of their power over you. If you’re watching your breath, your mind happily follows your wonderful breath. If you’re drinking tea, you’re fully present while drinking tea. If you’re driving a car, you’re fully present behind the wheel.

This presence continues outside of your formal practice as well. The boundary between “sitting” and “other activities” is less distinct. When mindfulness and awareness have become second nature, you can engage in the world with honesty, kindness, and humor. You experience a joyful plenitude that no longer depends on outer circumstances. Now that the results of your practice are apparent, your commitment to working with your mind and making the world a better place is unwavering.

In the Life Holist program, we teach both mindfulness and awareness practices. Mindfulness provides relief by calming and settling the mind. Awareness develops clarity and understanding, resulting in genuine personal transformation. When practiced together, they result in lasting positive change. There you have it: five essential points that will help you get the most out of your meditation practice. Let your practice be natural and truthful… and enjoy yourself! If you’ve read this far, you must be interested in the practice of meditation and its result: the experience of enduring joy and well-being. You’ve come to the right place. Genuine meditation practices nurture our innate potential for happiness and awareness. Clear and progressive instructions are essential for successful practice. Life Holist created its 9-level Journey to Well-Being and other inspiring courses so you can enjoy the full potential of a regular meditation practice.

We’re so sure you’ll benefit we host Level 1 Meditations Free every Monday morning in person!