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Welcome to LifeHolist! We use holistic healing methods such as Vitamin Cocktails, Hour, day, weekend, weekly, monthly Retreats, REIKI, natural remedies, self hypnosis, self healing, universal energy, massage, meditation designed to reshape your thinking, Group studies, Classes, courses, healing hands & more to naturally address personal, business, spiritual, mental, emotional and other inbalances!

Discover the power of holistic healing through our Vitamin Cocktails, Retreats, Reiki, natural remedies, self hypnosis, and more. Our methods are designed to address personal, business, spiritual, mental, emotional imbalances. Join our group studies and classes

Yoni Healing -

What is Sensual Erotic Hypnosis or Erotic Hypno?

Erotic hypnosis can be a great way to get into a relaxed and sensual head space. It can also be used to get you more aroused which is what I mostly use it for at this time. It's pretty much what you would imagine hypnosis with an erotic twist. I've had a 100% success rate thus far in my erotic hypnosis sessions. Clients tell me afterward how relaxed and extra aroused during our session and afterward lingering into hours later. I really enjoy doing these types of sessions and combining them with other interests my clients would like to include. All my sessions are customized to each individual's interests, needs, and fantasies. I combine colored mood lighting, essential oils diffusing, and binaural beats to create the mood along with my hypnotic tone when putting you into a trance. Once screened for my safety concerns I'm happy to have correspondence and find out more about your other interests to make for a memorable experience for us both.

I've had great success using erotic hypnosis for gentlemen experiencing ED erectile dysfunction.


What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnosis, hypnotherapy, and hypnotic suggestion are all names for a type of therapy that involves putting people into a trance-like state. Achieving this state is intended to promote focus in an individual. In this focused state, a person can be more receptive to suggestions, such as quitting smoking.

Hypnotherapy is a therapy that spans hundreds of years and has many practitioners across the United States. Researchers have studied whether hypnosis can treat a variety of medical conditions, from irritable bowel syndrome to anxiety and depression. The goal for hypnotherapy is to help a patient learn to better control their state of awareness. In the case of depression, hypnotherapy sessions may be focused on helping a person achieve a state of relaxation. In this relaxed state, they can discuss their feelings and emotions without raising stress and anxiety levels.

How hypnotherapy works

A hypnotherapy session usually lasts about an hour. A trained therapist uses various relaxation techniques to guide you into a hypnotic state. In this state, you are still conscious and aware. Your body becomes more relaxed and the mind more responsive to suggestions from the therapist.

The therapist’s suggestions will depend on the condition or behavior you are trying to treat. Hypnotherapy can help target unwanted or unhealthy habits and possibly replace them with healthier behaviors. Examples include being able to better control pain or anxiety or adjusting negative thought patterns that could be worsening depression symptoms.

Pros of hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy offers the potential to help treat your medical conditions without the need for invasive therapies or additional medications. Therapists consider hypnotherapy a safe treatment option, with minimal side effects.

While it may not work for everyone, hypnotherapy is what’s known as a complementary therapy. A person can use hypnotherapy in addition to other treatments for depression to enhance an overall sense of well-being, lift mood, and boost feelings of hopefulness. Hypnotherapists use it to treat a number of conditions, including:

  • anxiety

  • chronic pain

  • concentration problems

  • irritable bowel syndrome

  • smoking control

  • teeth grinding

A person with depression experiences a wide variety of emotions. According to the University of New Hampshire, hypnotherapy can help a person learn to reduce and/or better control feelings of anxiety, stress, and sadness. Hypnotherapy is also used to treat negative behaviors that could be worsening a person’s depression. These behaviors may include smoking and poor eating and sleeping habits.

Cons of hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy does have some risks. The most dangerous is the potential to create false memories (called confabulations). Some other potential side effects are headache, dizziness, and anxiety. However, these usually fade shortly after the hypnotherapy session.

People considering hypnotherapy should first consult their doctor or psychiatrist. It is possible that hypnotherapy could worsen symptoms. People suffering from delusions, hallucinations, or other psychotic symptoms might not be the best candidates for hypnotherapy.

It’s also possible that hypnotherapy is not an effective treatment method. The therapy requires a person to focus and enter a trance state of hypnosis. For some people, this is very difficult.

Lucid Dreaming - A lucid dream is a type of dream in which the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming while dreaming. During a lucid dream, the dreamer may gain some amount of control over the dream characters, narrative, or environment.[1][2][3][4] Lucid dreaming has been studied and reported for many years. Prominent figures from ancient to modern times have been fascinated by lucid dreams and have sought ways to better understand their causes and purpose. Many different theories have emerged as a result of scientific research on the subject and have even been shown in pop culture.[5][6] Further developments in psychological research have pointed to ways in which this form of dreaming may be utilized as a form of sleep therapy.[7]

Lucid Dreams - I was dreaming that I was dreaming.

Massage envy program -

Hypnosis Science,verbal%20cues%2C%20repetition%20and%20imagery.

15 surprising facts about hypnosis

5 uses for hypnosis

for depression